Good Meeting Manners
Every meeting is different
Objectives, participants, culture, venue or content are all changeable factors that mean there are few, if any, hard and fast rules for what makes a good meeting, merely suggestions and guidelines to bear in mind.
Meeting manners
Follow the dress code. If you’ve told everyone to come in smart casual, don’t show up in a three-piece suit.
Allow everyone to speak and finish their points. Do not interrupt and be mindful that everyone is able to have their say.
Show up on time and keep to the time limit. Everyone has places to be!
Be brief and concise. Stay on topic
Be an attentive listener and an active and positive participant.
Be sure that your tone and body language is not communicating boredom.
Make a concerted effort to remember everyone’s name, address them as such and get the pronunciation right.
Allow for frequent coffee and restroom breaks. If participants can pop off
to the toilet in the break rather than having to ask to use the restroom in
front of the whole team then it will probably be appreciated. Generally a
10-15 min break every 1.5 hours is deemed appropriate.